One More Thing…

Last week, I looked at a book that, while it was enjoyable, was too different from other mysteries to fit my expectations for the genre. This week, I want to look at a TV series that has a very important difference from most mysteries but still checks all my boxes. What Makes it Special The […]

Book Review: The Daughter of Time

Well, this is ironic. In last week’s post, I defended Deep Space Nine as “real” Star Trek when many other reviewers didn’t see it that way. This week, I’m going to be questioning whether a book that is widely considered one of the greatest mysteries of all time really fits that genre very well. First off, I […]

Book Review: Death by Misadventure

When I was a kid, I had a video game called “Ty the Tasmanian Tiger.” I absolutely adored it. Those years were also pretty much the extent of my video game experience. When I asked my high school classmates if they’d ever heard of the game, all I got was “no” and a sense that […]

The Art of the Side Character

This week’s topic grew out of my most recent read, Margery Allingham’s The Late Pig. It’s a short book, my copy is just shy of 140 pages. I could’ve read it in one day, but I read it in two because I had other things to do. It’s a nice little addition to the Campion […]

Book Review: A Man Lay Dead

We have reached our fourth and final “Queen of Crime,” the New Zealander Ngaio (Ny-oh) Marsh. She stands out as the only one of the four whose first book was the first I read. She begins her Inspector Alleyn series with A Man Lay Dead. It’s a typical country manor murder. An interesting mixture of […]

Book Review: The Crime at Black Dudley

We have made it to our penultimate Queen, Margery Allingham. I had not heard of Allingham, at least not that I remember, until watching the TV adaptation of her Campion series. Obviously, I could not learn about a new Golden Age author without adding her to my booklist. I’m very glad I did. In fact, […]

Book Review: The Nine Tailors

This is the third post in my Queens of Crime series. Reading Dorothy Sayers was a bit of an adventure for me, so I hope this review will be an interesting read. The Nine Tailors is the first Lord Peter Wimsey mystery I read, although it is not the first in the series. I have […]