Snoopy, Sparky, Vince & Me

Who doesn’t love the Peanuts gang? Sure, not everyone is a dyed-in-the-wool fan, but I’d be shocked if I met someone who had a strong dislike for Snoopy and Co. I’m firmly in the fan category. Actually, I’d say I’m more than that. Peanuts has touched my life in a lot of ways; I’d be […]


April showers bring may flowers. Except in Texas where the weather does whatever it wants and all the maxims in the world won’t change it. Around where I live, flower season sometimes starts in February. Other years, the February scenery is pretty arctic. Either way, most of our beautiful native plants are blooming in March. […]

10 Favorite Picture Books

This blog might not exist if my mom hadn’t read to me every night from birth to teenagerhood. Maybe I would have still fallen in love with books and writing—they seem to be in my blood—but my mom deserves loads of credit. Raising me on books got me on the right path early. It’s been […]


I’ve been playing the piano for nearly 15 years. In that time, I took lessons off and on from 3 different teachers. They led me through many music books and thirty-minute lessons with unending patience. Oh, what patience it must have taken. You see, I was afflicted with the age-old woe of music students. I […]

Pillows and Postcards

Well, I’m a day late and a dollar short, but I couldn’t let Valentine’s Day pass completely unacknowledged. Seeing Valentine’s décor go up in stores – which usually happens around Christmas time these days – I’m always reminded of my childhood. Pink and red hearts everywhere are as nostalgic for me as snowmen and Santa […]