My Little Silver Camera

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a little tired of all the “conveniences” of the modern world that seem to mostly cause chaos. I don’t mean indoor plumbing or air conditioning or cars, none of the things that are actually conveniences. I don’t even mean computers. I’m actually a big fan. What I’m […]

Brought to Mind: Oklahoma Cookies

Well, it’s December. Has this year gone by as quickly for you as it has for me? Since it’s the first week of the month, my latest Brought to Mind column will be today’s blog post. This month, I’m writing about one of the longest standing Christmas traditions in our family: baking and “painting” cookies. […]

Telling Stories

“In my day, we had to walk miles in the snow to school…” Thus begins the age-old joke about parents’ childhood stories. For decades, kids have been rolling their eyes at all the “back in my day” lectures that ensue when they complain about something they think is hard. I don’t think I ever heard […]

Brought to Mind: Childhood Decor

This week’s blog post is my November Brought to Mind column, linked below. This month, I wrote about my love for seasonal decorations as a kid. Whether you’re a parent looking for a new activity to keep your kids engaged or you just want to walk down memory lane with me, I think you’ll enjoy […]

Nancy Drew and Co.

Last week’s post pointed you to my latest Brought to Mind column, “Memories on My Shelves.” This week, I want to go into a little more detail about some of my favorite vintage “girls series” as I call them. Since I have never been a huge fan of fantasy, I didn’t have many modern reading […]

Brought to Mind: Memories on My Shelves

Happy October, everyone! I hope the month brings you all good things, such as some long-awaited crisp weather if you live in southern regions like me. A new month brings a new edition of Brought to Mind in A Bundle of Thyme Magazine. This month’s article is about the vintage books I loved reading and […]

Vintage Voyages

(Ok, “journey” would probably be a better word, but that’s cliché in the blog-o-sphere, not alliterative, and cannot be interpreted as a sneaky Star Trek reference.) I’ve wanted to do a post like this for a long time. Every time I tried, I ended up shelving it, unsure where I really wanted the post to […]

Brought to Mind: Seashore Season

Happy August, everyone! A new month brings a new issue of A Bundle of Thyme magazine and another Brought to Mind column. This month, it’s “Seashore Season.” I discuss what’s brought to mind by a little model ship. “Seashore Season” is now archived in the August 2024 issue of Thyme. You can read the archives […]

What a Pleasant Surprise

Well, sometimes a small miscommunication can have positive results. If you’ve spoken to me or looked at my “Other Writing” page in the last month or so, you might have heard me discuss my upcoming column in A Bundle of Thyme magazine. I said it would be making its debut in August. Turns out, the […]

Oldies, Memories & Readers’ Digest

In my Ostinato post, I discussed my reluctance to practice piano as a kid. Now I want to share another piano memory, this time about something that helped me want to play. It’s probably abundantly clear from my content by now, but I’m what people call an “old soul.” I live in the modern world […]