The Old Schoolhouse: Literature Article
I’m excited to announce my second article for The Old Schoolhouse magazine! In this issue, I’m sharing about a topic that’s very connected to my own school experience but doesn’t get discussed a lot. If you have kids in middle or high school, whether you homeschool or not, I think there will be some helpful […]
The Old Schoolhouse: What to Do With a Writer
My first article in The Old Schoolhouse is available to read! I’m talking about ways to encourage an inspiring writer in your homeschool. Here is the link to the fall issue of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. My article is on page 108. Please share it with any friends you think might enjoy it or find […]
Atticus for America: Part 2
Intro & Recap In last week’s post, I spent a good bit of time looking at what an American hero is and why they have faded in recent decades. I also explained why fictional heroes can be just as inspiring as real historical figures, especially as those figures begin to slip from our collective memory. […]
Atticus for America: Part 1
Introduction I’ve had this idea for a while, but always shied away as I don’t want this blog to be seen as political in any way, and I was afraid that’s how my thoughts would be interpreted. However, this topic drifts back to the front of my mind pretty frequently. As I’ve reflected more, I […]
The Importance of Being Honest
Some of you may have noticed I didn’t publish a post last week. My usual posting day fell right in the middle of a pretty bad spot of writer’s block. So, instead of agonizing over something that wouldn’t have ended up being very good, I decided to skip posting for a week (well, I guess […]
Laughter & Literature
A man at my church once shared a story that went like this: a Sunday school teacher asked “what is grey, has a fluffy tail, and eats nuts?” to which one of the students replied “I know the answer is probably Jesus, but that sure sounds like a squirrel.” I’ve noticed a similar pattern in […]
10 Favorite Picture Books
This blog might not exist if my mom hadn’t read to me every night from birth to teenagerhood. Maybe I would have still fallen in love with books and writing—they seem to be in my blood—but my mom deserves loads of credit. Raising me on books got me on the right path early. It’s been […]