Christmas Reading etc.

Hello everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve posted and I wanted to get one more post in before Christmas. It won’t be a long one, but I hope you enjoy it. First, I’m going to share my thoughts on my most recent read: Hercule Poirot’s Christmas by Agatha Christie. Simeon Lee is an elderly […]
Brought to Mind: Oklahoma Cookies

Well, it’s December. Has this year gone by as quickly for you as it has for me? Since it’s the first week of the month, my latest Brought to Mind column will be today’s blog post. This month, I’m writing about one of the longest standing Christmas traditions in our family: baking and “painting” cookies. […]
Gift Ideas for Readers and Writers

It’s that time of year! Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and before you even start digesting all the turkey and pumpkin pie, it seems like Christmas switches into high gear. Especially with all the online ordering we do these days, it’s easy and almost essential to do your Christmas shopping early. If you and […]