Short Stories

What do you think of when you hear “short story”? If you’re a writer, it might call to mind a school assignment or a contest entry. For others, it might make you think of a high school or college literature class. I share those thoughts. I’ve had to write my share of stories in school […]
White Marbles Release Day!

The long awaited day has arrived! I’ve finally finished dealing with all my publishing issues, and White Marbles is ready for you to purchase. White Marbles is available as a paperback or Kindle book, and it is part of the Kindle Unlimited subscription service. Here is the link: White Marbles – Amazon If you get […]
Important White Marbles Update
Needless to say, I’m not thrilled to write this post. But, it is a very important one, so please read it. My upcoming novelette, White Marbles, will probably NOT be available by August 10th like I had hoped. I’ve had some technical setbacks and need to make some small tweaks to the manuscript. Unfortunately, Amazon […]
Book Announcement!
You might have noticed that it isn’t Tuesday. But there’s a blog post. What’s going on? Some very exciting news, that’s what! If you follow me on social media, you’ve gotten some hints about what that news is. Now it’s time for me to give more specifics and make an official announcement on the blog. […]