10 Favorite Picture Books

This blog might not exist if my mom hadn’t read to me every night from birth to teenagerhood. Maybe I would have still fallen in love with books and writing—they seem to be in my blood—but my mom deserves loads of credit. Raising me on books got me on the right path early. It’s been […]

Book Review: A Man Lay Dead

We have reached our fourth and final “Queen of Crime,” the New Zealander Ngaio (Ny-oh) Marsh. She stands out as the only one of the four whose first book was the first I read. She begins her Inspector Alleyn series with A Man Lay Dead. It’s a typical country manor murder. An interesting mixture of […]

Book Review: The Crime at Black Dudley

We have made it to our penultimate Queen, Margery Allingham. I had not heard of Allingham, at least not that I remember, until watching the TV adaptation of her Campion series. Obviously, I could not learn about a new Golden Age author without adding her to my booklist. I’m very glad I did. In fact, […]

Book Review: The Nine Tailors

This is the third post in my Queens of Crime series. Reading Dorothy Sayers was a bit of an adventure for me, so I hope this review will be an interesting read. The Nine Tailors is the first Lord Peter Wimsey mystery I read, although it is not the first in the series. I have […]