As you probably know, I’ve been having some technical difficulties with my site lately. After consulting with my staff of expert computer scientists (aka Dad), I decided the best option was to switch to a different website platform that gives me more control over the workings of everything.
Of course, that meant restarting the site design from scratch. After several weeks of experimenting with new features and moving my content, I think I have a new and improved site. So, I thought I’d dedicate today’s post to introducing some of the changes I’ve made.
With the exception of the layout and a few design elements, the home and blog pages are pretty much the same. You can read and comment on my blogs and share them on social media using the icons by the comment section. Something to note is that you’ll be asked to put in your email when commenting, but this does not mean you are setting up an account with me or with my web platform. It also does not automatically subscribe you to email notifications. I’ve linked that form at the top of my blog page and at the bottom of my blog posts. If you were already subscribed to my old site, I’ve added you to the subscription list, so you don’t have to do anything.
If you left comments on my old site, they will not appear on this new site. However, I have saved all of them in a document on my computer so I will always have the lovely words of encouragement y’all have shared over the past year.
My about page and contact pages are also pretty much the same as they’ve always been. The page called “freelance writing” has links to any writing I’ve done that isn’t my own books or blog.
The completely new page I’m excited to share is the “books” page. Right now, all that’s on there is a link to the Brownwood Grove page, but it will grow as I finish more stories and series.
The Brownwood Grove page is shaping up to be a great place. It will feature descriptions of the books in the series and links so you can buy them. My favorite part of the Brownwood Grove page is the quote of the month. Right now, it has a quote from White Marbles, but in the future I’ll share some quotes from upcoming stories as well. Be sure to check back for changes! I’ve also included a link to my Brownwood Grove inspiration board on Pinterest.
Speaking of Pinterest, most of you probably don’t know that I have started an L.D. Christianson Pinterest account. I’ll be using it as another way to share my blog and social media content, but I’ll also be saving content from other sources and creators. Sometimes it may be a photo or art piece that fits the feeling of a story I’m working on. Other times it might an article or blog post from someone else that I find interesting.
I’d love it if any of y’all that use Pinterest would follow me and save a few of the Pins I’ve created. Online content – and all content is online content these days – is driven by interaction. The more people I have engaging with what I put out, the easier it will be for new people to find me. It may seem insignificant, but even just pressing like on social media helps me and is greatly appreciated. You can find links to all my social media accounts at the bottom of my site.
I think that covers everything! Have fun exploring the site and getting familiar with the new layout. Press as many buttons as you want, it won’t hurt anything. I’ll see you all next week when I finally get back into my regular blogging groove.