Freelance Writing

Disclaimer: While I try to only write for publications that I can get behind by and large, I may not agree with everything included in a publication I have contributed to. My articles should not be seen as a promotion or endorsement of every view expressed by other contributors or the publication as a whole. 

The Old Schoolhouse

Winter 2024-2025

How do you make literature class more tolerable for your students? I’ve always loved reading, but formal literature courses were usually a struggle to get through without endless frustration. Drawing on my experience as a homeschool grad, I provide insights into why kids who otherwise love books might turn their nose up at literature class and how to help them through it.

The Old Schoolhouse

Fall 2024

Do you have an aspiring wordsmith in your homeschool? In this article, I share some of the ways we tailored my homsechool curriculum to focus on my writing skills. I also share some more general ways you can encourage young writers and help them to hone and love their talent.

A Bundle of Thyme

July-December 2024

This was my first publication outside of my blog! I wrote six installments of a column for this online women’s magazine. Each month, I shared an object from my home and the memories that are attached to it, as well as some life lessons and encouragement.

All my articles are available in the Thyme archives.