Book Announcement!

You might have noticed that it isn’t Tuesday. But there’s a blog post. What’s going on? Some very exciting news, that’s what! If you follow me on social media, you’ve gotten some hints about what that news is. Now it’s time for me to give more specifics and make an official announcement on the blog. […]

Bye Bye, AI

Even if you don’t think this will be your kind of post, please read it. It’s an important and timely topic. In fact, it’s a lot more important than I used to think it was. When artificial intelligence first became a buzzword a year or two ago, I rolled my eyes at both the lovers […]

One More Thing…

Last week, I looked at a book that, while it was enjoyable, was too different from other mysteries to fit my expectations for the genre. This week, I want to look at a TV series that has a very important difference from most mysteries but still checks all my boxes. What Makes it Special The […]

The Art of the Side Character

This week’s topic grew out of my most recent read, Margery Allingham’s The Late Pig. It’s a short book, my copy is just shy of 140 pages. I could’ve read it in one day, but I read it in two because I had other things to do. It’s a nice little addition to the Campion […]

Spock’s Brain & the Logic of Laughter

It was the best of episodes, it was the worst of episodes. I’m referring, of course, to the famous, infamous, uncreatively titled episode of the original Star Trek series: Spock’s Brain. The basic premise of the episode is that an alien woman comes onto the Enterprise, removes Spock’s brain from his body, and returns to […]

Snoopy, Sparky, Vince & Me

Who doesn’t love the Peanuts gang? Sure, not everyone is a dyed-in-the-wool fan, but I’d be shocked if I met someone who had a strong dislike for Snoopy and Co. I’m firmly in the fan category. Actually, I’d say I’m more than that. Peanuts has touched my life in a lot of ways; I’d be […]

The Importance of Being Honest

Some of you may have noticed I didn’t publish a post last week. My usual posting day fell right in the middle of a pretty bad spot of writer’s block. So, instead of agonizing over something that wouldn’t have ended up being very good, I decided to skip posting for a week (well, I guess […]

How to Time Travel

Have you ever wished you could travel back in time? Not because there was some grave error you wanted to warn your past self to avoid—paradoxes that way lie—but because you are bored of the modern status quo. I actually don’t know what the modern status quo is, but I would imagine it gets boring. […]

Overheard in Hobby Lobby

I heard it in a Hobby Lobby, as all good stories start. I was on the sticker aisle, where glossy sheets line every inch on either side, dangling in their cellophane wrapping like sequins on an old Bob Mackie costume. I’ve spent a lot of time in the paper craft section of Hobby Lobby since […]

Sci-Fi Subgenres

If you follow me on social media, you’ve seen “sci-fi and mystery fan” in my bios. However, I’ve yet to make a science fiction related post on the blog. I have a few review ideas in my pocket, but I wanted to do something else since I have two more reviews coming soon in the […]